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Helping everyone Find, Strengthen, and Carry faith in Jesus.

Who We Are

We are a caring group of people, being real with each other as we strive to follow Jesus.

He is the center of everything we do and love.

We would love to share life and Jesus with you.

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  • About Us

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Sunday services

Come as you are.

Leave closer to God.

Our services are family centered and casual.

Come comfortably dressed, meet some friendly people, sip some fresh coffee, and worship God together.

Sunday Mornings are from 10:30 - 11:30 AM.

You can always watch the services on YouTube or Facebook.

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If you have more questions, contact us.

  • Visiting a new place can be extremely unnerving. We agree! You can visit our church without feeling overwhelmed by a massive building, not knowing where to go, or feeling like you're drowning in a flood of people.

    We purposefully keep our services easy to join and understand. You don't have to know the songs. We don't have complicated rituals.

    Our church is simply filled with people who know one basic truth: we are broken and desperate for help. We love to help each other pick up the broken pieces of our lives and find healing in Jesus.

    Even if you don't know anything about Jesus or the Bible, you'll get a clear of Him in each of our services.

  • Our goal is to help everyone Find, Strengthen, and Carry faith in Jesus.

    FIND: to know who Jesus is based upon God's Word and to devote yourself to Him in loving worship.

    Many people have a vague idea of who Jesus is. We would like to show you the truth, from the Bible, about who He is and what He has done. The goal is to believe that Jesus is your Lord and Savior.

    STRENGTHEN: to develop your spiritual life and habits.

    God wants everyone to grow in the faith. This happens as we develop friendships and helpful habits such as prayer, Bible study, and thankful worship.

    CARRY: to serve, inspire and invite others.

    Our faith in Jesus changes our lives so that we will want to lovingly serve, like He did.

  • We are a friendly group. So someone will likely say, "Hi" and strike up a conversation.

    We care about families having time together to worship God. So there are a lot of children in the first half of the service. This is very enjoyable (and sometimes noisy).

    We care more about the people with us than the production level. So not everything will be perfect. But our hearts are transparent that we love Jesus and all people.

  • Children are a wonderful blessing! We love having them in our Sunday services. As a matter of fact, for the first half of the service, they sing right along with everyone (and a few dance in the back).

    During the sermon, children from newborns through 3rd grade are invited to Children's Church downstairs. They can go or they are perfectly fine to stay with you (we know what it's like to have nervous kids or families who cherish staying together).

    Pastor Josh makes a sermon outline page for the youngsters who stay for the sermon. Make sure to grab one from the welcome table. Everyone who completes the "fill in the blanks" gets to choose a special snack after church.

  • God is our wonderful, perfect Creator. He gave us life and the ability to choose between right and wrong.

    The sad news is that we have often chosen to do what is wrong. This separates us from God, because He is perfect.

    We cannot undo what we have done. However, Jesus came to rescue us from our wrongs (what the Bible calls sin).

    Jesus died on the cross to take the punishment for our sins. He rose to life because He is victorious God.

    He offers eternal life to all who believe in Him. This means to believe in who He is and what He says.

    When we choose to follow Jesus, we receive hope, peace, and eternal fellowship with God.

    To learn more, read this page about what we believe.

  • Jesus is God the Son (Col 1:15 and Heb 1:3). This means He is the ultimate authority and source of eternal life.


    Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6).


    He came in order to show us the truth, to die in order to take the penalty for our sins (1 Cor 15:3), and to rise from the dead in order to offer eternal life to all who believe in Him (1 Cor 15:54-57).


    Jesus will return one day to judge all people (John 5:22) and to establish His eternal, perfect kingdom on earth where He will live with all who have believed Him (Rev 21).

    You can read the full EFCA Statement of Faith at this link.

  • The Bible is true. It is God's message of what is right and shows His love for all people (John 3:16).


    Because it is God's Word, it carries His power and opens our deepest needs, hopes, and desires (Heb 4:12).


    The entire Bible points to Jesus. He is the creator, savior, and restorer of all things.


    God gave us the Bible so that we could know what is true and good (2 Tim 3:16-17). When we follow it, we are blessed.

    You can read the full EFCA Statement of Faith at this link.

  • Yes. Our official name is "Evangelical Free Church of McHenry."

    To have a clear and memorable name, we adopted the assumed name of "Faith Summit Church" in 2024.

    We are excited to belong to the Evangelical Free Churches of America and are hopeful our new assumed name will be easily understood, clearly remembered, and will point many to faith in Jesus.